Thursday, March 1, 2012

Shelby in January

I'm behind again.  January came and went by sooo fast. Back to school holidays over and the weather changes made all of the girls sick. We have battled bronchitis, the stomach flu, pneumonia, ear infections and plain grumpy moods.

But Shelby turned 3 and this was so great.  She has frown up so much in the last year and it melts my heart every time she gives me that smile of hers.
We decided to do a small home celebration this year. She asked me to make her cake which I usually do but she wanted a castle and then a princess then Oscar the grouch. Finally she settled on a cone castle.
I did my best for her and she loved it. Not the best cake I think but she loved it.

She picked IHOP for lunch with Kara & Samuel and then she invited her them over to have cake and it was perfect and simple just like her.

She got a big girl bike and daddy has promised to take her own and teach her how to ride it :-)
Sis got her a tea set and some princess dolls.
Overall the day was great.

She has enjoyed going to school so much more this month and is asking when she will be old enough to ride the big yellow bus.

She continues to love Samantha and is always willing to help or play with her.
I love my Hunny Bunny!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Catching Up

I've been so behind and my December post got lost.

Thanksgiving was quiet and Christmas was good.
This year we didn't go overboard on the gifts for once.  We had David's mom visit and papa and great Nana Jesse came up for Christmas dinner.

All 3 girls were Baptized on New Year's Day, this was a big deal for us as parents. Kara and Bruce stepped up to be their Godparents.

Virginia had enjoyed the break from school and the time at home has done her some good. I think at times she gets so busy she forgets to enjoy being a kid.
All she asked for was a pillow pet and some books this year. Usually she has a list this year she was THANKFUL :-)
She has been helping more around the house and it has been great. Sometimes the 8yr old attitude comes out but she is making me so proud of the effort.
She has asked for my sewing machine because sewing by hand is a little tough, it may be time to pass on the machine I just love that she wants to try it.
She was selected for Art Journal and has truly enjoyed being artistic.
She is continued her community service project for a 2nd year at school this is so great I think.
and she has now topped it off with her 2nd year in Girl Scouts.

Shelby has grown leaps and bounds. She turned 3yrs  this month. I still remember bringing her home from the hospital. 
She has gotten better about school and is developing ahead according to the teachers.  We did a castle cake and ice cream at home with her best buddy and she went to lunch that day as well.
She is a little crafty and loves to read books. Everyone has to read a book before she will say goodnight.

Samantha has grown sooo much.  She has had 2 therapy sessions and is doing awesome.  She is on schedule like the girls and trying hard to get the body up to crawl. She will get on her arms and try to go forward and flops down. 
We found Noah' and have found a lot of great resources her for Samantha.  All after a little guy modeled for TARGET who has DS.
She loves to watch the girls and be held by them.  Yes she is spoiled just a little.

On the home front we have started the long process to move this summer and overall we are all looking forward to the change.  Time to start looking at the schools and renters for the house.

Our dear friend Sabrina has continued her fight with Breast Cancer and is doing well. We continue to pray for her recovery. Fight Like A Girl

I will add pics later- once I figure it out.

Have a great weekend.