Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Over the last few days I have been reflecting on my life.  I have a great family and great friends.
I was given some bad medical news about a dear friend and it just puts into perspective
 just how precious each day of life is.

Samantha is doing well and her muscle tone is improving every day. She is liking tummy time more and more each day.  She is still in aww of her surroundings.I love to see how she interacts with her sisters but when her dad comes home, she just stares at him and smiles.  When he rocks her to sleep at night  it warms my heart and I remember when he did the same with Tink & Jellybean. He is a great dad.

Tink has  been feeling sad lately and I can't figure out what's behind it.  She's been getting up and sneeking to Shelby's room. When we ask her why she says she's lonely but, they fight like cats and dogs during the waking hours.  She's been playing and reading and all her normal things but just a bit quieter.

Shelby had been unhappy with going to school. She says she is nervous and won't talk much more about it.  I kept her out last week and spoke with the teacher who said she was always a happy kid.

Tomorrow we will visit Papa for the day and then head home to watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving, a tradition David started with each holiday. The kids love it.
I hope each of you has a great Thanksgiving and you are able to enjoy it with the one's you love.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2 month Well baby

Thanks for all the kind words from everyone.  I feel better now that everyone knows about Samantha.

Today we had our 2 month well baby. She finally gained weighted to were they were not complaining.
8lbs 10oz

Yesterday we had R.C.S.B come out and do their therapy evaluations.
 She is well ahead at this stage with her activities just needs to strengthen her neck muscles. 
The Dr. seemed bothered by the intervention process being started already.
This was a debate last visit as she feels it's more suited for 6 months and up.

I'm still looking to find locals that I can interact with as we have never been around a child with DS.

Shelby was quiet the little helper today and hates to see her sister in pain. She held her hand during the shots and sang to her afterwards. She got a sucker on the way out for helping so much.

We are off to bed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Samantha's Story

When I found out I was expecting I was so thrilled, scared and shocked.  We were told we were done having babies.  I called my dear Friends Sabrina and cried. She told me take it easy, things will be OK.  Go tell David.   I was so afraid to tell him.   I got him a card and left on the dresser for when he got home.  He was thrilled and surprised.  We had a few scares early on and thought we may loose this pregnancy as well.      

After a few months we told our friends with a cute pic of the girls saying big sister. 
Months past and all was well.  We found out it was another girl.      I had diabetes with her and high blood pressure everything else was perfect.    Finally the day came she was born, thrilled she was here and theneverything changed.

Shortly after her delivery the nurse walked into our room and took Samantha. They said she needed blood work.  She brought her back then another nurse came in and said the same this time we need to test for downs.  I was still, David was gone and I couldn't speak to say what do you mean. 

We left the hospital with Samantha a few days later no wiser of the results or anything, just some harsh works from a nurse about being a good parent.

We had to meet with a genetic counselor who confirmed her diagnosis.  What was I going to do?

Sabrina and Kara were a big help. They said she was just a bit special and God wouldn't give her to our family if we couldn't handle it.

I cried for days and days. Asking myself what did I do wrong? Was this a punishment?  How will her life be?  No one has asked if anything is wrong with her if they noticed.  Now I' m realizing it but I still have days were I cry. She melts my heart like her sisters do.
She cries, she smiles, she sleeps, she's active and she's a daddy's girl.
she may be a little slower than the other kids but she's our little gift from God. Yes Samantha has Down syndrome and it scares the hell out of me not knowing what her future will be but I think I have some great friends to help me and support us along the way.

Samantha Grace& her lamb